Submitting to Shipmate

Home > Procedures > Submitting to Shipmate
  1. Submit all inputs to our Shipmate Correspondent: Dan Garges ( For those not checked out on e-mail send your write-up to Dan at: 1846 Greenplace Terrace, Rockville, MD 20850-2942
  2. The column must be submitted by the Class Correspondent (Dan) to meet deadline dates set by Shipmate.  These are usually two months before each issue is published/mailed; these dates can be found in the Class Columns section.  Dan needs a few days before this to edit and get our column in the shape that Shipmate demands.
  3. There is a 2000 Word Limit per class column in each Shipment issue.  This includes photos which have the following word equivalents in the three sizes – half column (50 words equivalent); full width (100 words equivalent); double width (200 words equivalent words).  So Dan on occasion may need to do some editing work to make it all fit and tries to coordinate his proposed edits with the submitter if not squeezed to meet the deadline.
  4. It is important that all articles include identification of the people in the photographs and some description of the event and location associated with the picture.
  5. Abbreviated death notification of Classmates and Classmate’s wives will appear in the Shipmate Column as we/Dan becomes aware.  The full classmate obituary will be published later in the Last Call Section of Shipmate as it takes time to get the full obituary.
  6. VERY IMPORTANT: As you become aware of any class happening or event or personnel news (classmates, wives, widows) consider whether it would make a nice contribution to the column to share with us all.  If you have any doubts ask Dan.   We especially want widows to share things AND not hesitate to submit items for Shipmate—read by more people than any of our other means of communication in supporting class cohesion.

For all contact information please see the Class Register.

For the ID and password, please contact

Contact information on this web site is intended  for use by those directly associated with the USNA Class of 1956. Any other use, including commercial purposes, is unauthorized unless authorized in writing by the appropriate class representative. For any questions on this policy contact, Bob Keller at