Dolores Hansen
prepared this biography of Ed. “Ed was
born and raised in New Jersey to Danish immigrant parents. He chose the Air Force after Academy
graduation; he served in Texas, Wyoming, Korea, Japan, and Andrews AFB in
Maryland supporting the Special Air Missions unit (Air Force I, etc.). Following tours in France and Germany, he
earned an MS in Systems Management at AFIT in 1970 and stayed at
Wright-Patterson AFB with the F-15 Eagle Special Projects Office from paper to
flight, overseeing contract changes.
After a final assignment to Utah, in 1975 Ed shed uniform and crew cut
for civvies and eventually a mustache and beard.
After two years
as director of maintenance and engineering at a large hospital in Salt Lake
City, he returned to school for an MS in secondary education. After trying to teach writing skills to
eighth graders for a year and not enjoying it, Ed began the next phase of his
life -- writing the great American novel.
Ed was a charter member of our local Rotary club, served a year as
president, and in 1988 led a five-week exchange trip to northern Scotland with
five young men.
Ed was in his
element as super-grandfather. Here was a
built-in audience for his stories. We
realized what a softy he’d become when he allowed a young grandson to take some
early steps on his prized pool table.
Ed died February 24, 1991, of a massive cerebral hemorrhage to the
brainstem -- still in his ski bibs and not long after finishing his novel, Temple
of Kokopelli.”